Stay motivated...
a blog to inform, motivate, inspire and make you giggleFrom instant tips and recipes through to great stories from some of our members.
If you have an inspirational story that you’re happy for us to share in our blog, please get in touch!
Leg & Glute Burner
SUMO SQUATS BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATS BOX JUMP UPS WALKING LUNGES 20 FLOORS ON THE STAIRMASTER 3-5 SETS OF 10 REPS Sumo squats: Take the legs out slightly wider than hip width apart and angle your toes out and away from the center of your body making sure your knees are...

What is Stretch Therapy?
What is Stretch Therapy? It uses targeted hands-on stretching techniques designed to create a more intense stretch through the muscles and tissues in order to leave you feeling relaxed, less restricted and more aligned. What can I expect from a Stretch Therapy...

The Benefits of Strength Training on Cardiovascular Health
Resistance training, strength training, exercising with weights or weightlifting (whatever you prefer to call it) may not be the first thing that comes to mind if you’re looking for a health and fitness strategy to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. ...
GTPS (Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome)
Are you suffering from lateral hip pain? Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome (GTPS) is an overarching term for the following conditions that relate to feeling pain on the outside of your hip: Trochanteric bursitis (bursa inflammation) Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy Gluteus...
Machine hip thrusts
The first step before getting onto the machine is ensuring the pad for your hips is pointing up at an angle; you can do this by pulling the yellow toggle at the end of the pad. Now sit inside the machine with your feet on the large metal panel (foot/leg positioning...
Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Ingredients (serves 4, adjust accordingly): 150g baby spinach 150g mushrooms 100g feta cheese 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 clove garlic, minced Fresh rosemary for garnish Salt & pepper to taste Chilli flakes to taste ...
What is Dry Cupping?
What is dry cupping? Dry cupping is an effective way of increasing blood flow and releasing toxins using cups and a suction pump. It creates a vacuum which lifts the skin and fascia covering the muscles. Lifting these tissues creates room for increased blood flow to...
Hack Squat
FULL HACK SQUAT WIDE HACK SQUAT SQUAT JUMPS SPLIT SQUAT CALF RAISES 3 X 10 REPS OF EACH EXERCISE Full hack squat: Feet just past shoulder width apart, toes pointed out, squat as low as possible keeping lower back against pad, drive through feet foundation, and repeat,...
Exercise and Memory
Here at TFD, we’re big on advocating exercising for the right reason. It’s important people have a ‘why’. For some, this is as simple as wanting to stay physically fit. For others, it might be a hobby. There are plenty of reasons to exercise and one very few are aware...
Hip Thrust vs Glute Bridge
These exercises, which target the muscles of the lower body can look very similar so why would you choose one over the other? The benefits of both of these exercises are to maintain or strengthen the gluteal muscles - the main muscles used for movement and power of...
What is Soft Tissue Therapy?
We offer Soft Tissue Therapy here at TFD Therapy and it is a term that you may not be familiar with, or you may not be completely sure what it entails...let us explain! What is Soft Tissue Therapy? Soft tissue therapy is used to treat injuries or as a form of...
Cauliflower Salmon Rice Bowl
Try this super healthy cauliflower salmon bowl to serve one! Adjust the ingredient amounts to serve more! Ingredients (serves 1, adjust accordingly): 90g Spinach 2tsp Balsamic Vinegar 109g Cauliflower Rice (frozen unprepared) 100g Cubed...
Arm blast
Get those arms burning with this arm-focused workout! TRX BICEP CURLS TRICEP DIPS ZOTTMAN CURLS DIAMOND PUSH UPS 3-5 ROUNDS of 10 REPS EACH TRX Bicep Curls: Start with your elbows bent higher than your shoulders and walk your feet forward until you can feel your...
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a condition that affects the plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue running along the bottom of the foot. This tissue connects the heel to the toes and plays a critical role in supporting the arch and absorbing the impact of walking,...
Sauna Benefits
Here at TFD, our members have access to our sauna and steam facilities at no additional cost. It is available from opening, right up until 30mins before closing; no booking required. While many of our members take full advantage of these facilities, we understand some...
Kinesis Glute Kickbacks
Kinesis glute kickbacks are a variation of a cable kickback that works your glutes by using our Kinesis station Delta. This exercise works all three of your gluteal muscles – gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Your hamstrings will also be...
Isometric Training and Rehabilitation
Isometric training involves static muscle contractions without joint movement. Isometrics have become widely used in both elite sports and general populations because they offer a safe and controlled way to strengthen muscles and tendons, improve neuromuscular...
Unlocking the Core through Breathing
A Therapeutic Approach: Breathing is of course essential for survival but can also be a useful tool for improving physical and mental well-being. The method of unlocking the core through proper breathing techniques can enhance posture, stability, and muscle...
Lamb Samosas
Try this quick and easy lamb samosas dish served with a salad of your choice and mango sauce! Ingredients (serves 4, adjust accordingly): Side salad of your choice 500g lamb mince 12 mini wraps 2x carrots 60ml mayonnaise 50g mango...
Full Body Bosu
Knee Osteoarthritis
Knee osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease, affecting millions globally. It involves the breakdown of cartilage in the knee, leading to pain, stiffness, and sometimes, reduced quality of life. Without proper management, it can become...
Lift Weights to Lose Weight
Weight loss can be a really tricky process and a different approach for everyone is often needed, but if your main goal is weight loss then you want to burn calories and build muscle mass. To do this you should incorporate both cardio and strength training into your...
Tricep Rope Pulldown
The tricep pushdown is one of the best exercises for triceps development. While the versatile upper-body workout is usually done on a cable machine (a fixture at most gyms), you can also perform a version of the move at home or on the go using a resistance band. ...
Stretching to Aid Desk Workers
Ever heard the term ‘desk posture’? Desk posture, also known as kyphosis, sees the curvature of the upper back causing an excessive internal rotation of the shoulders. Although not limited to those with desk jobs, administrative roles that see individuals...
Beetroot & Mint Dip
Beetroot is full of anti-oxidants which can help the body fight inflammation. It also high in fibre to help fill you up and maintain good gut health whilst also providing potassium, carbohydrates and being low in fat. Ingredients (serves 2, adjust...
Top tip: maintain as much control as possible to increase the effectiveness of all the exercises. PALLOFF PRESS EXERCISE BALL DEAD BUGS EXERCISE BALL CRUNCHES RUSSIAN TWISTS TRX ROCKING PLANK Palloff press The equipment needed for this exercise is a kinesis...
Injury Focus: Hip Pain
The hip joint is one of the most vital components of our musculoskeletal system, playing a critical role in our ability to walk and run. Structurally, the hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, where the head of the femur (thigh bone) fits into the acetabulum, a socket...
We all know we need to drink water, but do you know how much you need to drink and the benefits? The human body comprises around 60% water. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health. Most adults need about 2-2.5 litres of...
What is a slam ball?A slam ball is a rubber ball filled with a mass to stop them bouncing (usuallysand). They’re used to increase power, muscular endurance and CV endurance.They are preferred equipment for HIIT workouts or athletes training PAPsequences. How to use a...
The Benefits of Dry Needling
Despite its growing popularity, many people are still unfamiliar with what dry needling entails and how it can benefit them. This blog will provide an in-depth look at dry needling therapy, covering what it is, how it works, the benefits of it and the conditions it...
Chicken Satay
Try this quick and easy chicken satay with spicy pickled cucumber and rice! Ingredients (serves 4, adjust accordingly): 2 250g packets of brown long grain rice (cooked) 500g chicken breast (diced) 1 cucumber 50g peanut butter (smooth) ...
The Banded Big 5
Training volume can be varied with band intensity, tempo, no of reps and number of rounds. SHOULDER PRESS BENT OVER ROW ROMANIAN DEADLIFT SQUAT CHEST PRESS 5 REPS OF EACH X 5 ROUNDS - 30SECS REST BETWEEN ROUNDS Shoulder Press – targets shoulder muscles ...
Benefits of Stretching
Stretching is a physical exercise responsible for improving range of motion and flexibility as it lengthens and elongates muscles. Alongside improving flexibility, there are many additional benefits to stretching of which we highlight below: Improved...
Evening Tips
Following on from our morning tips, we’re back to suggest a few ways you can encourage mental and physical wellness of an evening to not only benefit your sleep, but your future morning selves. 5 tips to end your day: Caffeine vs...
Bosu Oblique Climber
The oblique climber is a brilliant core exercise that focuses on working your rectus abdominis muscles (think six-pack abs), as well as your obliques which are the muscles down your sides responsible for rotations and side bending. Adding in the bosu balance ball...
Injury Prevention to Aid Wellness
Hands up if you’ve ever had an ache, pain or niggle? Almost everyone, right? Hands up if you’ve ever tried to continue training through an injury because “it'll go away by itself”? Again, too many hands up. Hands up if injury prevention methods are something that...
Harissa Beef
Try this healthy harissa beef recipe served with crispy potatoes! Ingredients (serves 4, adjust accordingly): Olive oil for frying 600g potatoes, cut into rough chunks 2 red onions, cut into wedges 400g lean beef mince 400g tin chopped tomatoes 4tsp harissa paste 100g...
Fitball Core
DEADBUG SIT UP OBLIQUE CRUNCH ROLLOUT BALANCE 1 MINUTE EACH X 3 ROUNDS DEADBUG: Lay on your back with your legs up at 90 degrees and the fitball balanced between your knees and hands Extend the opposite arm and leg...
Injury Focus: Lateral Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprains are common injuries. Around 85% of them involve the outer (lateral) side of the ankle. These are called lateral ankle sprains. Lateral ankle sprains usually happen when the ankle turns inward upon landings, but other movements such as rotating the foot...
Morning Tips
Developing a healthy morning routine: It’s a no brainer that the way your day starts has an impact on how it continues to progress. There’s ways we can start our day to maximise productivity, positivity and general wellness. 6 tips to start your day: 1. No more...
RDL – Foam Roller Cheat
Getting the perfect technique for an RDL (Romanian deadlift) is often something people struggle with in the gym. It’s a tricky movement with lots to think about... soft but not bent knees, shoulders back, core in, hips back etc. If you want to check if you’re doing it...