Training volume can be varied with band intensity, tempo, no of reps and number of rounds. 







Shoulder Press – targets shoulder muscles 

Yellow looped band – start with your feet hip width apart standing on the band.  Place your arms in a goal post position at the sides but slightly forward of your body, brace your core and press the band to the ceiling then control the arms back to the goal post position. 

Orange handled band – begin with a split stance with the band under one foot, brace core and bring the handles to shoulder height with the arms in a goal post position.  Drive through your feet as you press the handles towards the ceiling, then with control, bring them back down to the goalpost start position. 

Bent Over Row – targets back muscles 

Orange handled band and yellow looped band – stand on band with feet hip width apart, wrap band around hands to gain tension, fix your eye gaze on the floor ahead of you keeping the head, neck and back aligned.  Fix your body at approximately 45 degree angle, hinge at the hips, stick your butt back and have a soft bend in knee with your core engaged.  Using the muscles in the back and shoulders, pull the elbows up towards the ceiling, keeping the inside of the arms close to the body; release the band slowly and repeat. 

Romanian Deadlift – targets hamstrings 

Yellow looped band – double up the band and stand on it with feet hip width apart, holding the loops you have made with the band at each side of your legs. To find the tension, engage your core and move your hands lower down the band – the closer your hands are to your feet at the start of the move, the more tension there will be.  Hinge at the hips, stick your butt back and lift your tailbone, soften the knees a little and drive through the feet to come to standing keeping the core pulled to the spine. Squeeze your glutes at the top being careful not to over-extend in your back. 

Orange handled band – place your hands through the handles, grasping the band on each side – the closer your hands are to your feet at the start of the move, the more tension there will be. Hinge at the hips, stick your butt back and lift your tailbone, soften the knees a little and drive through the feet to come to standing keeping the core pulled to the spine. Squeeze your glutes at the top being careful not to over-extend in your back. 

Squat – targets quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core 

Yellow looped band – stand on the band with feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forwards.  Grasp the top of the band with an overhand grip, hinge your hips back and bend your knees until you can loop the band over your head to rest on your traps – the fleshy part at the top of your back.  Come back up to standing.  Grasp the band at the sides of your body as you begin; with your core engaged, hinge your hips and bend the knees to bring your butt and thighs towards parallel with the floor being careful not to let the knees come forwards of your toes.  Push back through the heels on the ascent, squeezing your glutes and neutralising your hip position at the top. 

Orange handled band – stand on the band, feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forwards.  With one handle in each hand, bring them up to the rear of your shoulders.  With your core engaged, hinge at the hips and bend the knees to bring your butt and thighs towards parallel with the floor being careful not to let the knees come forwards of your toes.  Push back through the heels on the ascent, squeezing your glutes and neutralising your hip position at the top. 

Chest Press  targets chest

Orange handled band and yellow looped band – standing with feet shoulder width apart or in a split stance with your core engaged, double up the band, or, if you’re using a looped one, thread your hands through the handles, grasping the band to create tension – placing it around your back, roll your shoulders back down. Grasp the band at the sides of your body with your palms facing in and push the bands away from you.  Start with your hands at the sides of your chest, then push the band away and control it back to the body.  Alternatively, you can perform this laying on a mat pushing the bands towards the ceiling.

Blog by Elaine Butler – Nutritional Advisor & Personal Trainer