Superstars 2017

Mar 31, 2017 | Amazing, Events, News

March 31 2017 saw the return of the tfd Superstars event where the tfd trainers went head to head with their teams of 6 people to win the glass trophy!

Trainers Sean, Emily, Blake, Lisa, Hannah & Owen gathered their team members over a few months leading up to the event and some took the training more seriously than others.

The six events involved each team member doing just one minute of each exercise, which sounds easy but when you’re putting 100% effort into 1 minute it’s tough!  The events were; press ups, sit ups, rowing, x-trainer, cycle.  The final team event was the builders sack race……..hilarious!

The winners this year were Owen’s pink team (the youngest team) bless em!

Another fantastic event where lots of different people have come together, made friends and had a bit of fun..
Well done everyone!



