What are single arm rows? – a great unilateral upper body exercise that targets the back and can help to have more balanced strength and better muscle development.

How to perform – using a flat bench, place your right knee in the centre at the back of it and your right hand on so it’s under your shoulder. Pull your shoulders down your back and belly button up into the spine and engage core. The weight is in your left hand with your left foot behind the bench so as to give yourself space to move the weight. Have the weight down towards the floor with your palm facing inwards. Keep the elbow in close to the side of the body and drive the elbow high in a smooth movement with a slight curve shape whilst maintaining a flat back. Repeat your reps on all one side and then switch and do exactly the same on other side.

Muscles used – single arm rows mainly target your back muscles, the lats, traps and rear delts but you will also be using secondary muscles using your biceps and core.

Mistakes to avoid – try not to use extreme momentum to pull the weight as you will compromise your form. Keep the move controlled. Don’t allow the elbows to flare out, keep in close and make sure you perform each rep with full range of motion by extending at the bottom and retracting shoulders at the top of the movement.

Blog by Anthea Champion – Personal Trainer (Champion Fitness)