Getting the perfect technique for an RDL (Romanian deadlift) is often something people struggle with in the gym. It’s a tricky movement with lots to think about… soft but not bent knees, shoulders back, core in, hips back etc. If you want to check if you’re doing it right or improve your technique to get the most out of it, give this little cheat a try. 


  1. Start with your feet directly under your hips with slightly soft but not bent knees. 
  1. Grab the long foam roller and use the insides of your wrists to pin the roller to the tops of your thighs, pushing your chest out slightly. 
  1. Slowly begin to roll the foam roller down your thighs by pushing your hips back, making sure to keep a straight spine as you go. 
  1. Once you’ve reached a point where you can feel your hamstrings stretching down the back of your legs, stop and slowly begin to roll the foam roller back up the thighs bringing your hips underneath you. 
  1. Repeat as many times as necessary. 

Once you feel comfortable in your technique you can swap the foam roller to holding dumbbells, ensuring you keep the shoulders pulled back and a flat back. 


  • Improved strength in hamstrings and posterior chain 
  • Helps to reduce lower back pain 
  • Make everyday activities easier  
  • Improves posture 
  • Prevent lower back injury 

Blog by Tabby Bond – Personal Trainer (TAB Fitness)