Try this pasta dish with a difference! Quick to prepare and all done in one pot!

Ingredients (serves 4 – adjust amounts accordingly):

  • Chicken breast 500g
  • Pasta 400g
  • Spinach 160g
  • Clotted cream 80g
  • Tomato paste/puree 65g
  • Shallots x2
  • Ginger + garlic paste 30g (15g of each)
  • Chicken stock (2 cubes)
  • Curry powder 2tbsp
  • Garam masala 2tbsp
  • Sugar 2tsp
  • Plain flour 2tsp
  • Salted butter 1tbsp

Prep – 10 minutes

Cook – 30 minutes


  1. Preheat over to 200oc fan/ gas mark 7, boil a kettle and heat a large oven proof casserole dish over a high heat (with a lid).
  2. Dice your chicken breast.
  3. Add oil, once hot add your chicken breast, with a pinch of salt and pepper and cook until starting to brown.
  4. Peel and slice your shallots finely.
  5. Once your chicken begins to brown, add the shallots, tomato puree, ginger and garlic paste, curry powder, 2tsp of sugar and 2tsp of plain flour, combine and cook for a further minute.
  6. Add your chicken stock cubes/ powder to 1L of water with a pinch of salt, mix and add to your oven proof dish. Then add the pasta and stir through to mix the flavour.
  7. Cover the dish with the lid, and pop into the oven for 30 minutes, stirring halfway through!
  8. Once done, remove your dish the oven and add your spinach, clotted cream and masala powder, with a tablespoon of salted butter. Gently stir through, allowing the cream and butter to melt, and spinach to wilt.
  9. Serve equally, with a generous grind of black pepper.

Macro breakdown per serving…

Calories – 663kcal

Carbs – 84.3g

Fat – 17.5g

Protein – 45.3g

Give it a try and tag us in your cooking attempts – READY, STEADY…COOK!