The first step before getting onto the machine is ensuring the pad for your hips is pointing up at an angle; you can do this by pulling the yellow toggle at the end of the pad.

Now sit inside the machine with your feet on the large metal panel (foot/leg positioning below) and your back on the rectangular raised fixed pad. Using the yellow toggle on the end of the hip pad, bring back the pad so it is flat against your hips.

Now gently thrust up your hips to lift the weight and slide the small handle in on your right-hand side to remove the catch, this will allow a greater range of motion. Now let your hips come all the way down until your bum almost touches the floor panel of the machine. Now push your hips back into the starting position, and repeat.

Top Tips/Improvements

  • To improve glute activation: Position your feet relatively wide with your toes slightly turned out, then allow your knees to point in the same direction as your toes throughout the movement.

  • To improve effectiveness: You could add a stretchy band round your legs, just above your knee. Try to maintain normal knee and leg positioning, resisting the band, to further activate your glutes.

Blog by Alex Boardman – Personal Trainer (Boardman Personal Training)