Women are generally great at chatting, however, when it comes to the menopause, we haven’t been so good. With the subject cropping up all over the place when talking to colleagues, members, and friends, I was astounded how many of us were and some still are struggling to make sense of it all. In January 2022 I felt the time was right to bite the bullet and begin our journey with the Let’s Talk Menopause group.
I didn’t know what to expect, who would come or what we’d get out of it at the time, however, we just opened the floor and shared knowledge, symptoms and how and where to get more information and help.
Apart from making us all feel pretty normal and not like we were ‘losing it’, it gave us a sense of relief, but this was just the start of it all for many. The journey shouldn’t be taken alone and our monthly informal, often hilarious, ‘Let’s talk Menopause’ group offers a safe, friendly, and supportive place to just listen, scribble notes, or share our stories.
We’ve welcomed local GP and menopause specialist Dr. Katie Barber along to two of our sessions so far this year, included a Menopause Yoga session with our lovely Vinyasa Yoga teacher, Hannah and often just grabbed a coffee or a cuppa on the way in and we’ve chatted, sometimes so much we’ve had a lock in at the gym! 😉
I’ve learnt so much about the reality of what happens to our bodies and that there really is no set age range that certain things happen. We are all so individual and we all seem to have a cocktail of symptoms with no one person being exactly the same.
Hot flushes, brain fog, anxiety, forgetfulness, mood swings, depression are just a few of the symptoms spoken about and the group agreed that even just having one of these can affect our lives to the point we don’t even recognise ourselves at times.
Is it an ‘illness’ if it’s part of life? If every woman has to go through it, why would I need help when others seem to sail through without having to get help? Will the doctor really listen to me? My mum said you should let it happen naturally but I can’t cope, what can I do to help myself?
If you are looking for a starting point to help you figure out what you can do to help yourself, pop along to our next session on the menopause. The date will be advertised on blackboards at the club, sent to you via email and will be on the FitSense app under classes so you can book in.
For more information on our group, email lisa@tfdgym.co.uk.
If you’re not having symptoms but would like to learn more to prepare yourself for what’s to come, or you want to come along with a friend, just rock up. The session is free for members and the cost of a guest fee for non-members.
I just wish I’d have known what I know now, 5 years ago.
Let’s Talk Menopause…with Lisa