Sumo squats:

  • Take the legs out slightly wider than hip width apart and angle your toes out and away from the center of your body making sure your knees are still tracking over your toes. Moving your hips back slightly lower your body into a squat position. Be mindful to keep your spine neutral, core engaged and eyes forward throughout. Try and get your legs parallel to the floor and after a slight pause at the bottom, driving through the heels come back to the starting position standing.

Top tip: You can use two steps for your feet so you can get more depth into the squat.

Bulgarian split squats:

  • Standing roughly two feet in front of a bench or step, pick up your right foot and place it on the bench behind you, making sure feet are still roughly hip width apart. The back foot is there to help you stay balanced; this exercise is focused on working the front leg. Engage your core and keeping your chest fairly lifted (you can lean forward from the torso slightly). Bend your left knee allowing your right knee and ankle to naturally bend as you move through the downward phase of the exercise without taking on the load with your back leg. Keep the load balanced evenly across your left foot as you lower. Hinge slightly forward at the hips, ensuring your left knee remains aligned with your left toes. Try not to let it cave inwards or bow outwards. Try and lower until your left quadricep is roughly parallel to the ground. Press back to standing by pushing through your left foot back to the starting position.

Top tip: You may need to wiggle or hop the front foot around to find a secure, well balanced placement that feels comfortable.

Box jumps:

  • Stand facing a box, feet hip width apart with knees and hips slightly bent. Bend your knees and press your hips back as you swing your arms behind you. Explode through the balls of your feet, jumping straight up into the air, swinging your arms up forward. At the height of the jump, bend your knees and hips to be able to land on the box, trying to land softly. Step off the box and repeat.

Walking lunges:

  • Stepping forward with your right leg, putting the weight through the heel. Bend the right knee, lowering down so its parallel to the floor in a lunge position. Pause for a moment. Without moving the right leg, move your left leg forward repeating the same moment on the left leg. Repeat the movement ‘walking’ forward as you lunge. Keeping your core engaged the whole time to help with balance.

Top tip: To make this exercise more difficult you can add some dumbbells or kettlebells to the exercise.


  • Standing nice and tall, select a level that feels a bit challenging but not too fast. Avoid hanging off the handles and keeping that good form. Stepping one foot at a time or for the extra challenge you can go for two steps at a time.

Give it a go and let us know how you get on!

Blog by Kim Sevier – Personal Trainer