Kinesis glute kickbacks are a variation of a cable kickback that works your glutes by using our Kinesis station Delta. This exercise works all three of your gluteal muscles – gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Your hamstrings will also be strengthened during this movement as well as your calves and core working secondary to help stabilise you.  

A benefit to this exercise compared to a glute bridge or hip thrust movement is that it is working both sides individually so it ensures that you get both sides fired up and contracting correctly which can often be overlooked. Glutes firing correctly are extremely important in everyday life, posture and movements so this exercise helps to keep the focus on them individually.  

How to… 

  • Stand on one leg with soft knee and straighten the other leg with your toe pointing up towards you and the pad sat on the back of the ankle 
  • Keeping the toe pointing up towards you kick the leg back behind you squeezing your glute 
  • Resist the cable to bring it back to the start position and repeat for desired reps or time 
  • Change to the other leg and repeat on the other side for desired reps or time 

You should feel the glute working on the leg that is kicking back behind you as well as muscles around the hip on the standing leg. The supporting leg will be working stability wise by holding your bodyweight while you perform the movement on the other side.  

You can allow your body to slightly lean forwards as you kick your leg back which will take the pressure out of your lower back.  

It is best to start with a weight that is lighter for this exercise so you can make sure you engage and isolate the glute instead of using your whole body to push the weight back behind you. As you master this movement effectively then you can start increasing the weight whilst maintaining your form and keeping that feeling in your glute.  

Give it a try and grab one of the team if you have any questions on this exercise! 

Blog by Jo Davies – Personal Trainer (Jo Davies Fitness)