Jumping lunges are an explosive movement that uses power and works all of your leg muscles. It increases the intensity of the normal lunge by adding more of a cardiovascular aspect to it with the jump. You will feel your quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, and hip flexors working throughout this movement whilst increasing your aerobic work too.

Adding in the plyometric jump to a basic lunge helps to challenge you in multiple ways, including power, speed, agility, coordination, and balance! Core and hip stability will also be tested during this movement – what a great all-rounder!


How to perform a jumping lunge…

Start standing up tall with your feet shoulder width apart.

Jess demos squat jump


Jump one leg forwards and the other back, landing in a lunge position (keeping the feet shoulder width apart). Both knees should be at approximately a 90-degree angle.


Jump up and switch your legs in the air.


Land with your other leg forwards and the opposite back (ensure soft knees as you land to absorb the impact), again both knees should have that 90-degree bend at the bottom.

Continue repeating this movement – for a higher intensity try to minimise the rest between reps. Prepare for the heart rate to go up and to feel the burn!


Keeping your feet shoulder width apart during the jumping lunge (or any lunge for that matter) will help keep you stable. People often make the mistake of thinking that during a lunge their feet should be as if they are on a tightrope! All this does is reduce your stability and make it very difficult to balance and complete the movement properly. Keeping your feet at a shoulder width distance will create a stable base for you – especially as you land each jumping lunge!

Jumping lunges work well as part of a full body circuit or HIIT workout, equally they make a fantastic lower body burner as part of a super set or finisher!


Why not give them a try on your next workout?! Grab one of the team if you would like us to check your form!