True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united – Alexander von Humboldt
Exercise doesn’t have to be something that is a chore, something you feel you have to do or something you do because you think you ought to. Exercise can and should be something that you do for enjoyment, as a social with friends or even to create yourself some ‘you’ time.
Everyone is individual with the types of exercise that will appeal to them, so if you haven’t found yours yet then maybe now is the time to try a new class or do different types of exercise & enjoy every minute of it! You may get hooked on weight training, running or it may be a class such as Pump, Spin or Konga, but whatever it is, if you enjoy it you will be able to stick to it.
Something that makes you think as well as burn those calories is even better. You may have to think about technique with weights, certain moves in Zumba or what is coming next in Step and feeling true enjoyment will come when you know you have got it right, the results will then follow! Also don’t forget, you burn more calories when you’re smiling!
If you have any questions about our classes and what they entail then visit the ‘class descriptions’ page on our website or ask one of the team to find the ones you might enjoy. As part of our membership package, members are able to have a gym programme written by one of our instructors, so ask at reception if this is something that appeals to you.