Try this dish that is great for bulking and has delicious flavours!

Ingredients (serves 4, adjust accordingly):

  • 500g chicken breast
  • 500g spaghetti/penne pasta
  • 300ml double cream
  • 250g spinach
  • 300g cherry tomatoes
  • 250g grated mozzarella
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • White onion
  • Italian seasoning
  • 2 x garlic cloves
  • Chilli flakes

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes


  1. Chop chicken breast into small cubes, add oil to a large pan and heat before adding chicken. Cook pasta according to instructions.
  2. Dice white onion, and add to cooking chicken, continue to fry off chicken until cooked and onion becomes translucent.
  3. Add garlic, chilli flakes, salt and pepper to chicken and stir in before adding double cream, a splash of pasta water, and pesto. Again stir through before adding Italian seasoning.
  4. Wash and add spinach and tomatoes, it’ll seem like the pan is extremely full, but the spinach will wilt down.
  5. Finally, add your mozzarella and stir through, thickening the sauce and creating a stringy yet creamy sauce.
  6. You’re now finished, serve up as meal prep or for the family!

Macro breakdown per serving…

Calories – 1343kcal

Carbs – 100.3g

Fat – 72.9g

Protein – 69.1g

3 of your 5 a day (onion, spinach, cherry tomatoes = 3 of your 5 a day)

Give it a try and tag us in your cooking attempts – READY, STEADY…COOK!