What is a slam ball?
A slam ball is a rubber ball filled with a mass to stop them bouncing (usually
sand). They’re used to increase power, muscular endurance and CV endurance.
They are preferred equipment for HIIT workouts or athletes training PAP

How to use a slam ball?

Slam balls are great to add to your workout for something as simple as
versatility. You can build muscle with slam balls, you can build strength with
slam balls, explosive power too, but you can also hit cardio extremely hard, and
burn more calories and have more fun than the generic treadmills and bikes!
Slam balls are also always working your core, as you unconsciously stabilise
yourself when slamming down or throwing at a wall. You should start light with
slam balls, technique is still extremely important, same as any weighted
movements, and with more powerful movements like slamming, its better to
maximise the movement by doing it properly, rather than overdoing it and
causing injuries. Slam balls are also great for practicing Olympic movements
such as clean and split jerks, thrusters etc.

Slam ball exercises: 

  • Overhead slams  
  • Chest press slams 
  • Slam ball press-ups 

What is a med ball?
A medicine ball is usually a slightly harder ball, also filled with mass, that
bounces, they can also be made up of rubber, plastic or on occasion softer
materials. Med balls are great for building strength, co-ordination, improving
general health and rehabilitation. Med balls can similarly be used in HIIT
training, but also rehab and more!

How to use a med ball?
Medicine balls are usually used by athletes to build explosive power similarly to
slam balls but can also be used in other ways for general fitness. Medicine balls
can be used to do partner/ solo workouts and can be used for a variety of your
go to movements, such as lunges, squats, chest presses or russian twists. As
medicine balls bounce, and coordination is a little more important here, its
better to start light and focus on form, rather than rushing the weight and
putting yourself in a vulnerable position for injury.

Med ball exercises:

  • Med ball sit up and press

What is a grip ball?
Grip balls are a variation of med ball that have two wide handles to allow for
firm grip throughout your workout. Not only do these two grips allow for a
better hold of the ball, they also increase the range of exercises you can do
with them, such as grip ball swings, or movements that can be done with
kettlebells or dumbbells as an alternative!

How to use a grip ball?
Similarly to a med ball, you’d need a more controlled coordinated focus to not
hurt yourself or others, but the range of exercises are similar! They can be used
as part of HIIT workouts or as variations for equipment such as kettlebells or
dumbbells as part of your weight workouts.

Grip ball exercises:

  • Grip ball lunge and twists
  • Grip ball squat

What is a wall ball?
Wall balls are a specific type of soft medicine ball used for functional and full body exercises. These balls are designed to be thrown against a wall and caught
as they rebound, providing a combination of strength, cardiovascular
conditioning, and coordination. Wall balls have a consistent size and weight to
ensure consistent bounce and throw accuracy. They are often used in HIIT
sessions and other multifunctional sessions.

How to use a wall ball?
As wall balls are softer, and are designed to be caught, they should be treated
more delicately than a slam balls as such. Wall balls combine strength, power,
cardio and coordination in wall targeted movements only.

Wall ball exercises:

  • Wall ball side throw
  • Wall ball high throw

Blog by Sam North – Personal Trainer (SNPT)