• Lay on your back with your legs up at 90 degrees and the fitball balanced between your knees and hands
  • Extend the opposite arm and leg out to a straight line, keeping pressure on your other hand and knee to keep the ball balanced 
  • Pause briefly on the extension, then bring it back into the ball 
  • Repeat on the other side 
  • Keep alternating for 1 minute 


  • Lay outstretched on the floor with fitball held between your hands 
  • Use your core and pull yourself up to seated, leaving your legs out straight 
  • Reach the fitball up towards the ceiling, feeling a stretch up through the core 
  • Slowly lower yourself one vertebrae at a time back down to the mat – really resist gravity to feel your core working here!  
  • Repeat for 1 minute 


  • Start seated on the ball and walk your feet slightly forwards until your lower back is resting on the ball 
  • Lay back over the ball, then crunch up and reach one hand to the outside of the opposite knee 
  • Repeat, this time using the other hand to reach for the outside of the other knee  
  • Keep alternating for 1 minute 


  • Start kneeling with your body upright and arms outstretched in front of you – fingertips should be touching the ball 
  • Roll the ball away from you until your elbows are resting on it, allowing your hips to drop so that your body is in a straight line 
  • Use your core to pull yourself back in 
  • Repeat with control  


  • Start by taking your knees hip width on the ball and your hands resting on top 
  • Slowly rock your weight forwards more into your hands until your feet come off the floor  
  • Practice keeping it here to begin with balancing on all fours 
  • Once you have mastered this try and take one hand more central so that you can lift the other one off the ball and go one handed 
  • For the pros of you out there who have mastered one handed, try to take your weight slightly more forwards on top of the ball so that you can take both hands off  
  • Added extra – find a friend to play catch with a yoga block or Pilates ball whilst keeping your balance!  

Let us know how you get on trying this workout and join Jo for Core Conditioning on Mondays at 6pm and Wednesdays at 9am, also join Alex on Fridays at 12.30pm! 

Blog by Jo Davies – Personal Trainer (Jo Davies Fitness)