Try this core workout with no crunches in sight!

Plank – without doubt one of the best ways to strengthen your core!

Lying on your front, place your elbows under your shoulders push up on to the elbows keeping your forearms flat on the floor. Your spine should be in a straight line and abdominals turned on. Keep the feet together as much as possible and don’t allow the hips to rise. I like to imagine you are squeezing your elbows and toes towards each other and you keep a good concentration on the abdominals. Hold for as long as you can. You can do this with straight arms.

Palloff press – I like to do this one on Kinesis Alpha.

Set the weight heavy so that when you pull out to the side, you feel like you are being pulled back towards the machine. Hold the handle in the centre of your chest and lock tight in your core, extend the arms in front of you and back into the chest. Repeat 10 times and change side. You are working the core hard by fighting the resistance and keeping yourself in an upright position.

Hollow hold you can additionally hold a weight to make it harder!

Laying on the floor face up, start by extending legs out and lift them off the ground so they are just hovering above the floor. The lower back should be fully in contact with the floor. Next take your arms up along side your ears and raise your head, neck and shoulders. Hold for as long as you can and try and improve each time you perform this exercise.

Blog by Anthea Champion – Personal Trainer (Champion Fitness)