The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”- Vince Lombardi

Set yourself a goal and stick to it. You may know what you need to do to lose weight or improve tone, but whether or not you commit to achieve it is a different matter. Finding the will power to say ‘No’ to a biscuit at work or that extra pint at the weekend will help your cause massively.

Will power: Self discipline, training and control of oneself and one’s conduct, usually for personal improvement.

It may help to involve the people you spend most time with, family, friends & colleagues. If they don’t want to join your mission to lose weight, for example, ask them not to offer you that biscuit or pint, so that way you won’t have to say ‘No’. If the temptation is taken away, you are more likely to achieve your goal.

Be strict with yourself. If you have set the rules and are just having alcohol at the weekend, don’t let a meal out or friend popping in change that mid-week. To start with it will be difficult to resist the temptation, but over time it will become habit. By this time you should start to see results. If nothing else, by noticing a difference in yourself, you should feel a sense of achievement.

What if you’ve tried before? Failure teaches success. If you know where you went wrong last time if should be easier for you to avoid those situation in your next attempt. You will also know what works for you as an individual, just this time make sure you don’t slip back into old habits. If you’ve already pin pointed your main problem, you can focus on this and break though its barrier once and for all. It is hard to fail, but it is even worse never to have tried to succeed. What have you got to lose?

Steffi Davies – Level 3 Personal Trainer, Class Instructor & Membership Advisor at tfd.